What to expect on social in 2021
2020 was a wild ride 🎢 - in life and on social. Here's what to expect in 2021. 👇🏻
Despite the increase of screen time during the pandemic, social media engagement as a whole was down in 2020.
Cray, right?
When you dig down into the nitty gritty, it makes sense though. We saw a major over saturation of content across all industries of all sizes - like....post overload.
So, what can we expect in 2021?
With the transition to a new president that isn't as vocal on Twitter and the distribution of the COVID vaccine, I think we can expect to see a a slow return to normalcy - at least online.
But regardless, last year had a major and lasting impact.
Here are three ways you can break through the engagement stagnation in 2021:
Despite the increase of screen time during the pandemic, social media engagement as a whole was down in 2020.
Cray, right?
When you dig down into the nitty gritty, it makes sense though. We saw a major over saturation of content across all industries of all sizes - like....post overload.
So, what can we expect in 2021?
With the transition to a new president that isn't as vocal on Twitter and the distribution of the COVID vaccine, I think we can expect to see a a slow return to normalcy - at least online.
But regardless, last year had a major and lasting impact.
Here are three ways you can break through the engagement stagnation in 2021:
- Consider posting less frequently and be more selective when it comes to what kind of content you're sharing.
- Increase your stories, staying within the sweet spot: 3-7 per day
- Dip your toe into video more frequently than photo or text posts.
Think: Reels, IGTV, and LIVEs. There are plenty of opportunities to take advantage of fun video content.
Slide me a DM on Instagram. I'd love to know which you want to tackle first.