The 80/20 Rule
No one is comfortable with self-promotion. 😳
It's literally taken me far more than a decade to be "okay" with it and still I find it hard to throw in a shameless plug. (mark your 🗓 for June 11: big product launch coming your way **cough cough**)
Do you struggle with figuring out a comfortable balance of selling your services/products and non-pushy related posts?
I hear ya, sis!
Here's a general rule of thumb: 80/20.
80% of your content should be helpful.
Sharing valuable content grow's your audience's trust in your brand. They've come to get to know you as an expert in your field and therefore trust your recommendations for products/services.
Nothing is more valuable than earning someone's trust.
20% should promote your brand and products/services.
The 80% is key to helping people click buy with confidence and makes the self-promotion pill a little easier to swallow.
It's literally taken me far more than a decade to be "okay" with it and still I find it hard to throw in a shameless plug. (mark your 🗓 for June 11: big product launch coming your way **cough cough**)
Do you struggle with figuring out a comfortable balance of selling your services/products and non-pushy related posts?
I hear ya, sis!
Here's a general rule of thumb: 80/20.
80% of your content should be helpful.
Sharing valuable content grow's your audience's trust in your brand. They've come to get to know you as an expert in your field and therefore trust your recommendations for products/services.
Nothing is more valuable than earning someone's trust.
20% should promote your brand and products/services.
The 80% is key to helping people click buy with confidence and makes the self-promotion pill a little easier to swallow.