Consistency is EVERYTHING

Want to know the secret to the most successful social media accounts? ⁣⁣
Your posts don't have to be perfect, but they do need to be consistent to gain traction and stay top of mind. ⁣⁣
To play the game, you have to show up. Simple as that.⁣⁣
It's a conversation I've had time and time again with new clients and one I literally had today with a friend. She recounted a conversation with someone she'd had just last night. ⁣⁣
Another person asked how my friend had so many followers, while they (a professional photographer) hardly had any. A glimpse of his Insta said it all: hadn't posted in a while, all posts were totally sporadic. ⁣⁣
You can't expect others to show up for you if you don't show up for yourself. ⁣⁣